When value and meaning are de-materialized, reality is abstracted to an endless flow of fragmentary images and symbols. A satirical post-modern irony and sadness, real-life politics and terror blend with consumer- and network culture. In the realm of feeling world forelorn, the project points to commonalities between an “us” and a brutal “them”. Opening up a discussion about a generation that turns towards models of violence as their dernier ressort to protest and self-identification.
Within the context of Generation- Y, “Radical Youth” is based on research on the right wing “Nipster” scene, the wave of European Jihadi youth and the phenomenon of rampage shooters.
The printed publication consits of three interview texts with professionals and fifteen self-written, fictional stories. While being performed in the video work, these fictional stories create an intimate space between the viewer as hostage and the confronting character. A black box, illuminating the violent depths that we inhabit — “strangely polished surfaces that intersect with blood, sand, clutter, Twitter and Melatonin.” (Rachel Rose O’ Leary)