year of birth: 1986
country of origin: Netherlands
arie.defijter@gmail.comhttp://www.ariedefijter.bego to sandberg student page
Performance by Arie de Fijter with Ksenia Perek at exhibition new town
Station Noord
Wed 14.06.2017
6pm — 6:30pm
Performance by Arie de Fijter with Ksenia Perek at exhibition new town
Station Noord
Fri 16.06.2017
5pm — 5:30pm
Performance by Arie de Fijter with Ksenia Perek at exhibition new town
Station Noord
Sat 17.06.2017
5pm — 5:30pm
Performance by Arie de Fijter with Ksenia Perek at exhibition new town
Station Noord
Sun 25.06.2017
5pm — 5:30pm
Dark matter management
DMM is a collection of abstract models that refer to notional landscapes situated beyond the furniture itself. Formal appearance is a combination of traced trepidation of a body and computerized archetypal shapes. An architectural allegory of vulnerability and persistence wherein each object requires specific position and scale. The installation is modular. Performance conducts the narrative and ceremonial composures towards fragmented derangements.
In collaboration with Ksenia Perek.