Sandberg Instituut
Graduation Show
14—25 June 2017
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Materialisation in Art and Design
Iris Box
year of birth: 1987
country of origin: Netherlands
go to sandberg student page

Looiersgracht 60
artist statement
We inhabite space by deconstruct, construct and reconstruct.
The Woman who Became a Building

Combining familiar, domestic materials with architectural structures whose mechanics are otherwise concealed, my current material research investigates the intersection of the known and the unknown. "De Vrouw die een Gebouw Werd / The Woman who Became a Building" is an installation where objects and architectural elements, found and hand crafted, are rearranged towards an imagined space where systems are revealed to be unstable, fluid and malleable.

graduation workThe Woman who Became a Building
Wood, plaster, ceramic, steal, mdf, glass, concrete — 14 June 2017
graduation workThe Woman who Became a Building
Wood, plaster, ceramic, steal, mdf, glass, concrete — 14 June 2017
graduation workThe Woman who Became a Building
Wood, plaster, ceramic, steal, mdf, glass, concrete — 14 June 2017
graduation workDe Vrouw die een Gebouw Werd
Wood, plaster, ceramic, steal, mdf, glass, concrete — 3716 × 4535 mm — 2017
graduation workDe Vrouw die een Gebouw Werd
Wood, plaster, ceramic, steal, mdf, glass, concrete — 5616 × 3744 mm — 2017
graduation workDe Vrouw die een Gebouw Werd
Wood, plaster, ceramic, steal, mdf, glass, concrete — 5616 × 3744 mm — 2017
graduation workDe Vrouw die een Gebouw Werd
Wood, plaster, ceramic, steal, mdf, glass, concrete — 5616 × 3744 mm — 2017
graduation workDe Vrouw die een Gebouw Werd
Wood, plaster, ceramic, steal, mdf, glass, concrete — 3730 × 5106 mm — 2017
graduation workDe Vrouw die een Gebouw Werd
Wood, plaster, ceramic, steal, mdf, glass, concrete — 5616 × 3744 mm — 2017