Sandberg Instituut
Graduation Show
14—25 June 2017
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Studio for Immediate Spaces
Neeltje ten Westenend
year of birth: 1975
country of origin: Netherlands
go to sandberg student page

Station Noord
artist statement
Neeltje ten Westenend is an artist whose works deal with and mostly take place in the public domain.
A couple driving a car along the countryside

The profession of military policeman is permeated with layers of role-playing, which together with performance, re-enactment and fiction form the central themes of my thesis research. One part of the research resulted in the video work 'A couple driving a car along the countryside' which is set in a military training village. In this experiment I asked the actors to improvise on the script, emphasising the role of text and voice. While at the same time driving a route in a lemniscate shape.

The written thesis Dealing with Control, A Parallel Fiction is partly a preliminary study for an essay film to deal with the double perspective within police work in which live action and role-play will alternate and sometimes overlap.

graduation workA couple driving a car along the countryside
Video — 14 June 2017
graduation workA couple driving a car along the countryside
Video — 14 June 2017
graduation workA couple driving a car along the countryside
double channel video projection, HD video 16:9 — 11 minutes loop — 5 June 2017