Sandberg InstituutFriday 15 — Saturday 16 — Sunday 17 June 2018
Graduation Exhibitions & Events Various Locations — Amsterdam
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Dirty Art Department
Andrea Lopez Bernal
In her practice, Andrea Lopez Bernal explores the notion of authenticity in the various spheres of human experience, from love and friendship to work and political engagement. She does so by using a broad array of references and materials such as dental interventions, spirit stories, anecdotes and her own dreams, which she combines to bitter sweet and surprising effect.
Blinded by Shine / Challenge: Swimming to an Island / Teeth

Blinded by Shine, 2018
Performance, 18 min

Challenge: Swimming to an Island, 2018
Video, 14 min
Concept and direction: Andrea López
Editing: Jason Harvey

Teeth, 2018
Sculpture, mix media

Her performance Blinded by Shine stages her seemingly sincere attempt at creating intimacy by sharing her thoughts and concerns with the audience. In her video, Challenge: Swimming to an Island, she blows to spectacular proportions a simple action meant to be intimate. To swim from one island to another becomes a reality based TV show and her mystical reconciliation with the ungraspable essence of otherness symbolized by the island an extreme challenge. Finally, her sculpture entitled Teeth portrays human dentition as a portal between inner self and public presence. As the only visible part of the skeleton, teeth constitute a powerful reminder of the intricate relation between outward expression and inner life articulated through the body as a liminal entity.

graduation workBlinded by Shine
Performance — 6 June 2018
graduation workBlinded by Shine
Performance — 6 June 2018
graduation workBlinded by Shine
Performance — 6 June 2018
graduation workTeeth
Sculpture — 6 June 2018
graduation workSwimming to an Island
Video — 6 June 2018
graduation workSwimming to an Island
Video — 6 June 2018