Sandberg InstituutFriday 15 — Saturday 16 — Sunday 17 June 2018
Graduation Exhibitions & Events Various Locations — Amsterdam
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Dirty Art Department
Anna Laederach
Mass Wasting

Mass Wasting, 2018
Mixed media and performance
Sound design: Benedikt Wöppel

In the work of Anna Laederach, the traces left by the industry on raw materials, from transport to transformation into products is investigated and played upon. Processes are manipulated — they are accelerated or slowed down, liquified or frozen. Her sculptural attempts and performative interventions are manifestations of a specific moment in the lifetime of those materials. The works are like focus points in a blurred and constantly changing landscape where highly standardized and specialized objects reflect on the hybrid ecology of earthly existence. During the production, the infinite dialogue between human and non-human actors is a key element. One action inevitably recalls a consequent reaction. The interplay of various voices informs the movement of the interactants. A standard can shape the requirements of the sculpture as much as an encounter with new industrial or interpersonal languages. In one moment a gesture is crystal clear, in another it loses its transparency. The belief that one extraction is another’s addition reveals an infinite amount of resources that showcase different states of becoming --from a beach, to glass, to urban landscapes. From a shell to chalk to pastes that restore the eroding ground, this is the story told in Mass Wasting.

graduation workMass Wasting
Installation, performance — 6 June 2018
graduation workMass Wasting
Installation, performance — 6 June 2018
graduation workMass Wasting
6 June 2018
graduation workMass Wasting
Installation, performance — 6 June 2018
graduation workMass Wasting
Installation, performance — 6 June 2018