Fine Arts
Tao Yang+
Year of birth: 09-06-1994
Place of birth: Tianmen, China
y642479011@gmail.comgo to sandberg student page
Tao‘s works like diaries about people, trees, cities, landscapes he has seen every day, in this repeated view, he wants to explore how could be communicated and interacted with everything surrounded, even, himself.
The shooting started last autumn when he got the first analog camera from a friend. In walking, talking, dinner, hiking, he caught a lot of moments around him, day and night, about the happening of Dutch life. As time goes on, life doesn't seem to have much difference, no matter if trees are bare or lush with leaves, they always so much higher than pedestrians. Perhaps, you went to the places too where he has been, watched the same views and admired with the same words, even, a people who lived in 50 years ago already experienced once.