Sandberg Instituut Graduation Show 2022Graduation Work
Sandberg Instituut Graduation Show 2022 Graduation Work
work in progress
graduation work
Critical Studies
Johanna Ekenhorst+
Place of birth: Hannover, Germany
go to sandberg student page

Johanna Ekenhorst—Gesturing together, failing together, and
Butcher's Tears
Karperweg 45
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Fri 10.06.2022
6pm — 6:30pm
Johanna Ekenhorst—Gesturing together, failing together, and
Butcher's Tears
Karperweg 45
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Sat 11.06.2022
8pm — 8:30pm
Gesturing together, failing together, and
“As the performers repeat their lines and gestures, words and movements begin to inflect and overwrite each other, changing how they are interpreted both by the performers, and how they are read by us, the witnesses to this scene of a contract in the process of breaking down. What opens up is a space in which the theater we all perform time and again in our daily attempts to negotiate our relations with others, appears in all its beauty, as genuine but with fraught efforts, absurdity, and humor.” Excerpt from an essay on Johanna Ekenhorst by Anik Fournier
Johanna Ekenhorst  /  Anastasija (Nastija) Kiakenext >